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Moforaja - Print: Jeli ovo istina ?????? - Page 1

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Posted by djemila on 03-22-2014 at 16:19:

  Jeli ovo istina ??????

Nije znanje Znanje znati....vec je znanje Znanje dati...

Posted by refleksija on 03-22-2014 at 18:49:


Ja sam gledala ovo na discovery ili nacionalnoj ne sjecam se u jednom od serijala taboo


Crkvena zvona i ezan se sve jace cuju da bi nadglasali kurlanje praznih stomaka!

Posted by prowler2 on 03-22-2014 at 20:01:


Ovo prvi put chujem. Znam da imaju neke crkvene organizacije koje promoviraju celibate ali ovo ne. Ovde je sve moguche ali mislim da bi neka novinarska kucha ovo objavila ako bi bilo masovnije.

Posted by green on 03-22-2014 at 20:24:


meni odmah skoèi pritisak... znate li što...
hajde, ovo vjerovatno jeste istina, ali neko prevede tekst, ukrade sliku i objavi na jednom od domaæih protala na Balkanu i u roku od 3 sata najmanje 10 sajtova i sajtiæa ukradu, preuzmu vijest...

i na kraju ispadne kao da je to tako masovna pojava, èim je šesnaest stranica objavilo u istom danu 21.gif

na Balaknu je svaka bolesna vijest viralna... proširi se Facebookom kao kuga


Posted by refleksija on 03-22-2014 at 21:51:


Green u pravu si...joj sjetim se odmah intervjua sa jednom novinarkom iz new york times...2007 godine...zovne mene kolega kao ova hoce intervju s nekim ko zivi na istocnoj obali a ima prijatelja na desnoj...anw ja iz mahale od majke i oca koji su muslimani a moj najbolji prijatelj hrvat s desne obala...i eto mi kao zanimljivi..intervju je isao u tom pravcu da sam ja kao njega trebala mrzit i obrnuto...te da smo mi primitivni jer se ovdje zene kai udaju s 14 godina i da sno nemoralni...tu sam pukla ko kokica...ono amerikanci su olicje morala...djeca radjaju djecu...udaju se i razvode po deset puta...svako dijete ima razlicitog oca itd...intervju nije dosao u novine hahah em ne mrzim najboljeg prijatelja em mi muz srbin...nezanimljiva totalno hahah


Crkvena zvona i ezan se sve jace cuju da bi nadglasali kurlanje praznih stomaka!

Posted by pasha on 03-22-2014 at 23:25:


i kada djevojcica sazrije da voli pa prevari li muza ili oca 14.gif


Oscar Wilde

Posted by tana on 03-24-2014 at 23:25:


nisam nikad cuo za ovo ... ali malo mi zvuci perverzno.

kad ce mostar mama?

Posted by pravimostarac on 03-26-2014 at 02:26:


neznam koliko ste upoznati o zlocinu koji se tiho provodi

naime radi se o sex-selective abortusima koji se provode u mnogim zemljama nad ?

naravno zenski pol se smatra inferioran te se terminira

vlada u USA je odbila da donsese zakon o zabrani sex selective abortions u 2012

ista ona vlada koja zdusno bodri i stiti same sex marriage

kako je do ovoga doslo?

razvojem prenatalne genteske dijagnostike se gotovo instantno moze ustanoviti pol dijeteta
roditelji ili roditelj na osnovu toga odluci da se izvrsi abortus

Do not lose sleep over what the Almighty has bestowed on others. What is not meant for you will never be yours. Be thankful for what YOU have.

Posted by prowler2 on 03-26-2014 at 16:04:


Hochesh da kazesh da je u Usa to normalna praksa ?

Posted by pravimostarac on 03-26-2014 at 17:56:


nekontam sta mislish pod normalna praksa

normalna i uobicajena praksa nije ali poprima zabrinjavajuce razmjere

uoceno je da se cenzusom broj muske djece poceo neobicno povecavati, dakle statisticki uocljivo
odredjene lokalne agencije zaduzene za licenciranje su dobijale prijave
i tome slicno

Do not lose sleep over what the Almighty has bestowed on others. What is not meant for you will never be yours. Be thankful for what YOU have.

Posted by tana on 03-26-2014 at 20:48:


golemo ako je istina. koji primitivni um abortira dijete zato sto je curica.

i to jos u americi. golemo.

kad ce mostar mama?

Posted by prowler2 on 03-26-2014 at 21:14:


De Tana ... nemoj mi rechi da ti vjerujesh da ameri rade ova sranja, da ovo , ako je istina ,ne potjeche od zemalja koje nisu dostekle nekakav nivo moralnosti ???

Posted by tana on 03-26-2014 at 22:10:


pa ne vjerujem, zato se i cudim.

kako se uopste zna ta statistika o selektivnom abortusu? ta niko to nece priznati.

cak i da se utvrdi, kako ce se taj zakon regulisati? kako procijeniti da li je abortus zbog pola, ili zbog neceg drugog. ta nece zena da kaze istinu doktoru.


kad ce mostar mama?

Posted by pravimostarac on 03-26-2014 at 22:41:


pazljivo procitaj post koji kaze u mnogim zemljama, USA nije singled out
ali USA je odbio zakonsku regulativu, znaci zakonska regulative nije potrebna ako ne postoji problem
problem postoji i naravno kao i uvijek u slucaju USA zakon ne donosi demokratija nego lobby

dok su tu regulativu usvojile zemlje poput Kanade, UK, Australije, i sl.

Do not lose sleep over what the Almighty has bestowed on others. What is not meant for you will never be yours. Be thankful for what YOU have.

Posted by pravimostarac on 03-26-2014 at 22:42:


Do not lose sleep over what the Almighty has bestowed on others. What is not meant for you will never be yours. Be thankful for what YOU have.

Posted by tana on 03-26-2014 at 23:56:


do mene je. pogresno sam shvatio doticni post 11.gif

kad ce mostar mama?

Posted by pravimostarac on 04-27-2016 at 00:11:


Children and Youth in History

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Age of Consent Laws [Table]

Information on the ages used historically in western age of consent laws is not readily available. This table has been compiled from a combination of historical and contemporary sources. By 1880, the first date chosen, many western nations had established an age of consent for the first time, typically of 12 or 13 years. By 1920, when the influence of reform campaigns that established a new link between the age of consent and prostitution had run its course, most had revised their age upward, to 14 or 15 in European nations, and 16 in the Anglo-American world. In the last decades of the 20th century, states and nations with ages below those averages amended their laws to move closer to them. In Europe that growing conformity owed much to moves toward greater European integration. Given that the rationale for the age of consent has remained essentially unchanged in its emphasis on the need to protect 'immature' children, the table highlights the shifting and various definitions of childhood employed across time and cultures.

Date compiled from the following sources: Hirschfeld, Magnus. The Homosexuality of Men and Women. Translated by Michael Lombardi-Nash. Amherst, New York: Prometheus Books, 2000; Killias, Martin. "The Emergence of a New Taboo: The Desexualization of Youth in Western Societies Since 1800." European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research 8 (2000): 466; Odem, Mary. Delinquent Daughters: Policing and Protecting Adolescent Female Sexuality in the United States, 1885-1920. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1995; "Worldwide Ages of Consent," AVERTing HIV and Aids,

(accessed November 29, 2007).
Primary Source Text
Age Limit in Age of Consent Laws in Selected Countries
1880 1920 2007
Austria 14 14 14
Belgium - 16 16
Bulgaria 13 13 14
Denmark 12 12 15
England & Wales 13 16 16
Finland - 12 16
France 13 13 15
Germany 14 14 14
Greece - 12 15
Italy - 16 14
Luxembourg 15 15 16
Norway - 16 16
Portugal 12 12 14
Romania 15 15 15
Russia 10 14 16
Scotland 12 12 16
Spain 12 12 13
Sweden 15 15 15
Switzerland various 16 16
Turkey 15 15 18
Argentina - 12 13
Brazil - 16 14
Chile 20 20 18
Ecuador - 14 14
Canada 12 14 14
New South Wales 12 16 16
Queensland 12 17 16
Victoria 12 16 16
Western Australia 12 14 16
United States
Alabama 10 16 16
Alaska - 16 16
Arizona 12 18 18
Arkansas 10 16 16
California 10 18 18
Colorado 10 18 15
Connecticut 10 16 16
District of Columbia 12 16 16
Delaware 7 16 16
Florida 10 18 18
Georgia 10 14 16
Hawaii - - 16
Idaho 10 18 18
Illinois 10 16 17
Indiana 12 16 16
Iowa 10 16 16
Kansas 10 18 16
Kentucky 12 16 16
Louisiana 12 18 17
Maine 10 16 16
Maryland 10 16 16
Massachusetts 10 16 16
Michigan 10 16 16
Minnesota 10 18 16
Mississippi 10 18 16
Missouri 12 18 17
Montana 10 18 16
Nebraska 10 18 17
Nevada 12 18 16
New Hampshire 10 16 16
New Jersey 10 16 16
New Mexico 10 16 17
New York 10 18 17
North Carolina 10 16 16
North Dakota 10 18 18
Ohio 10 16 16
Oklahoma - - 16
Oregon 10 16 18
Pennsylvania 10 16 16
Rhode Island 10 16 16
South Carolina 10 16 16
South Dakota 10 18 16
Tennessee 10 18 18
Texas 10 18 17
Utah 10 18 16
Vermont 10 16 16
Virginia 12 16 18
Washington 12 18 16
West Virginia 12 16 16
Wisconsin 10 16 18
Wyoming 10 16 16
How to Cite This Source

"Age of Consent Laws [Table]," in Children and Youth in History, Item #24, (accessed April 26, 2016). Annotated by Stephen Robertson

1750-1914, 1900-1945, Age of Consent, Europe, Law, legislation, North America, Pacific Basin, Quantitative Evidence, The World Since 1945

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Do not lose sleep over what the Almighty has bestowed on others. What is not meant for you will never be yours. Be thankful for what YOU have.

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